The following are statewide resources for individuals and families in Arizona. They my not have exactly what you need but they may be able to connect you to the person or organization that does.
DDD CARES Administration – Community, Advocacy, Resolution, Engagement, and Support. This department may help you if you are just starting or have been in the DDD system for while.
Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council – “The Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council promotes greater community inclusion across the lifespan for all Arizonans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Council achieves this through grantmaking, advocacy, research and innovative projects in five key goal areas: self-determination, meaningful careers, inclusion, system access, and safety. A staff of six assists the all-volunteer Council, which is made up of individuals with disabilities, family members, professionals in the disability field, and state agency representatives appointed by the Governor of Arizona.”
Raising Special Kids (RSK) – “Raising Special Kids exists to improve the lives of children with the full range of disabilities, from birth to age 26, by providing support, training, information and individual assistance so families can become effective advocates for their children.”
Disability Rights Arizona – “Disability Rights Arizona is the protection and advocacy agency for Arizonans with disabilities. DRAZ is a not for profit public interest law firm, dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals with a wide range of physical, mental, psychiatric, sensory and cognitive disabilities.”
Arizona Disability Advocacy Coalition “We are a coalition of Arizona individuals and non-profits dedicated to ensuring equal access and dignity of individuals with disabilities”