
I am glad you dropped by and I hope you find what you need. Just Kelly Consulting is a quick stop for students, parents and guardians, educators, school based health professionals, schools and school districts, advocates, friends of exceptional people and anyone who wants to know more. 

The website has current, accurate, relevant and politically neutral information about best practices for school safety, disability informed emergency planning in schools and how and where to get more information.


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Some Things to Consider

There aren’t too many things people agree on lately. School safety is no exception. While most people may agree that kids should be safe at school, there is considerable disagreement over how to make that happen. 

I suppose there may also be disagreement about what safe means. What is more important – that schools feel safe or that schools look safe? Do either mean a school really is safe? 

Almost every parent with kids in school has thought about school safety and may wonder how safe their kids are at school. Parents with kids who have special needs may have to think about school safety a little differently. “Run, Hide, Fight” does not apply to all kids. Most school safety protocols don’t include plans for students with disabilities. 

The individual needs of people with disabilities vary greatly. This is especially true of children as they are at different stages of development and levels of maturity. We can not assume that the schools/school districts are or aren’t creating safety plans with special needs in mind. 

Do you know what your school is doing to keep your kids safe? 

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